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Jul 18, 2014 • LTCI Partners

Your Blog PostHighlights from the 2014 Broker World LTC Insurance survey

Each year, Broker World Magazine publishes a survey of LTC Insurance- if you are an advisor it is well worth checking out, as almost every significant LTC carrier participates in the survey and leading actuaries

Highlights (U.S. stand-alone LTCI market):

  • Claims – the industry incurred $7.7 billion in claims in 2012… over $81.2 billion since 1991.  People are getting significant value from policies.
  • Sales – industry sales were down from 2012, although demand is high.  Informal caregiver services were valued at $450 billion per year in 2009 - up from $375 billion in 2007.  In addition, more advisors and their clients are beginning to hedge LTC risk (lower benefits) vs. total risk transfer (higher maximums).
  • Carriers – currently 16 carriers offer stand-alone LTCI solutions (compared to 45 in 2008).  LTCI Partners is aligned with 5/6 top carriers (ranked by annual premium). 
  • Buyer Characteristics

    • Average issue age - 56.8
    • Target market – 74.1% of buyers are betweenage 45-64
    • Average monthly maximum benefit - $4,830
    • Compound inflation – sales of 5% compound finally dropped.  There’s a higher chance of a significant rate increase with 5% compound (due to interest rate sensitivity - carriers who guarantee 5% growth when they earn less than 3% on their 10-year treasuries).  Not to mention 5% compound almost doubles the premium from a 3% factor with many carriers.  We’re starting to see more policies with lower compounding rates or a deferred/future purchase option.
    • Shared Care Rider – about 40% of couples opted to buy the shared care rider.  This rider has become increasingly popular with the lifetime benefit practically disappearing.

The survey also includes rate comparisons of products. 

Written by LTCI Partners