we are setting the record straight about ltc!
Myth: "I don't need separate LTC protection because I have health insurance."
Fact: LTC protection is not the same as health insurance, which is designed to cover the costs to cure individuals and return them to good health - not to cover the costs of LTC care.
Myth: "I can't afford LTC insurance."
Fact: Your clients have many ways to pay for LTC protection that may work with their financial goals.
Myth: "Only old people need LTC services."
Fact: Your clients are never too young to protect their future from the financial risks of LTC services.
OneAmerica® Care Solutions puts LTC myths to rest. We separate fact from fiction with real solutions your clients can use to help protect themselves, their loved ones and their retirement future.
Get sales ideas and marketing tools »
new LTC Resources Available |
new asset-care® rate calculator
The Asset-Care® rate calculator is now available! This tool helps you quickly and efficiently quote key figures for Asset-Care. You can print the quotes in a simple format for clients to digest, and a visual shows how the product works. The calculator is easy to use, and you can check out the calculator walk-through for guidance.
Use the calculator »
all ltc protection is not created equal, research shows
Our new white paper by Dr. Pfau and Dr. Finke explores the impact of various types of LTC protection on retirement income. It also explains why consumers choose either to purchase or avoid certain types of LTC protection. The authors provide a compelling case as to why asset-based LTC protection offers consumers the most value. We will release a "consumer-friendly" version of this report in March.
Download the white paper now »
reminders |
virtual cSU: your one-stop shop
Whether you want ramp up your Care Solutions knowledge with our Virtual CSU webinar series, download our resources or access presentations, the CSU website is your go-to.
Visit the CSU website »
Our advanced sales team created this piece to help clients understand the taxation and tax benefits of asset-based LTC products in individual and business settings.
View the new tax guide »
iPipeline Illustrations Available for Annuity Care
Annuity Care illustrations are available in iPipeline. When illustrations are created, client information seamlessly transfers to eApp, reducing errors, paperwork and time!
suitability news |
delaware suitability training required
Delaware has adopted amended requirements concerning suitability in annuity transactions and annuity suitability training. Beginning June 1, 2017, an insurance producer may not solicit the sale of an individual annuity product in Delaware until he/she has completed insurer-provided product-specific training.
Read the training memo »
events |
moola for Maui
To help kick start your eligibility in 2017, we have a fantastic sales incentive contest!
This contest is your chance to earn moola throughout the first three quarters of 2017 for use at the 2018 Independent Leader's Conference should you qualify!
Earn $125 for getting off to a fast start and being at least 50 percent on schedule for the 2018 conference by March 31,2017;
Earn $150 if you are at leaset 75 percent on schedule for the 2018 conference by June 30,2017, and
Earn $175 if you have met or exceeded conference qualifications by Sept. 30, 2017!
But wait, there's more!
For those who meet the quarterly criteria, you'll be entered into a drawing for additional money to use at the 2018 conference as follows:
1st quarter drawing for $100;
2nd quarter drawing for $200; and
3rd quarter drawing for $300!!
Producer qualifications »
Venue brochure »
The Fine Print:
You must qualify for (and attend) the 2018 Leaders Conference in Maui, Hawaii
Payout is not retroactive. For example, if someone does not qualify for the first quarter payout but does meet the second and third quarter criteria, he/she will receive the payouts for the second and third quarters but not the first quarter. He/she would receive $325 in this example.
The companies of OneAmerica reserve the right to interpret all eligibility and qualification rules.
All rewards are taxable and will be reported.
The contest and drawings above apply only to producers, not marketing organizations or BGAs.
For use with financial professionals only. Not for public distribution.
OneAmerica® is the marketing name for the companies of OneAmerica. Products issued and underwritten by The State Life Insurance Company® (State Life), Indianapolis, IN, a OneAmerica company that offers the Care Solutions product suite. Asset Care form number series: L301 and R501 and SA31, Annuity Care form number series: SA34 and R508. Not available in all states or may vary by state.