Chelsea Mucha

Chelsea started her insurance career in 2017 in a small Minnesota based Disability Insurance brokerage firm. She moved on to a large Life Insurance carrier to wholesale their new disability product to their captive agents and was given the opportunity to wholesale their traditional Long-Term Care Insurance and Hybrid Long-Term Care Insurance products. In June 2024, Chelsea joined LTCI Partners to continue her Long-Term Care Insurance journey.

What you don't know about me:

I have lived abroad in Jordan and Thailand.

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Early bird when all is quiet.

What is the last TV show you binge-watched?


Favorite book, author or podcast:

Patricia Briggs, Mercedes Lackey, Nalini Singh. I love a good fantasy book.

Favorite hobby/interests:

Archery, trying new restaurants, and travel.

Guilty pleasure:

Judge Judy re-runs.

On my bucket list:

Get a corgi.