The LTSS Trust Commission will be holding its next Investment Strategy Subcommittee Meeting this Friday, November 4th at 9:00am PDT.
You can find the webinar link here or in the Agenda attachment.
This hearing is an opportunity for the Washington State Investment Board (WSIB) to discuss the rate of return it expects to receive on its Trust Fund investments.
In addition, the State Actuary will make a presentation on the just-released 2022 Actuarial Study and what it means for the program’s projected solvency.
The required premium rate for the base plan scenario decreased from 0.66% to 0.57%.Accordingly, WA Cares states that “a solvent fund will have sufficient expected revenue, based on the current law premium rate [0.58%], to pay all expected future program benefits and expenses over the projection period [through June 30, 2098].”